95% confidence level


In the ever-evolving landscape of pipeline safety and integrity, one technology has emerged as a game-changer - the Frontics AIS2100. This cutting-edge equipment has achieved an extraordinary feat in the field of non-destructive testing. It successfully predicted yield strength on pipes with long seams with a confidence level of 95% during the recent GTI validation conducted for the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). Let's delve into the remarkable capabilities of the Frontics AIS2100.

A Wide Array of Applications

The Frontics AIS2100 is a versatile tool that can be applied to a vast range of pipelines, regardless of their age or specifications. During the GTI project, it was employed on pipes dating as far back as 1930 and extending up to 2004, covering pipelines that make up over 60% of the pre-code network. This flexibility makes the AIS2100 an invaluable asset for pipeline operators dealing with diverse infrastructures.

Covering All the Bases

One of the most striking features of the Frontics AIS2100 is its ability to accommodate a wide variety of pipe characteristics. The below characteristics are for the sample set used in the GTI project, not the limitations of the AIS2100 machine. The AIS2100 performed at the 95% confidence level on a sample set of pipes with those following characteristics, in this particular project.

Diameters: It is capable of predicting yield strength in pipes with diameters ranging from 4 to 30 inches, accommodating both large and small pipelines with equal precision.

Grades: Whether your pipeline is made from Grade A steel or falls into the X52 category, the AIS2100 has you covered. It can handle a broad spectrum of steel grades, ensuring its applicability across different materials.

Steel Types: The AIS2100 can predict yield strength in pipelines made from various steel types, including rimmed/capped, semi-killed, and fully killed steel. This adaptability is essential for pipelines with diverse material compositions.

Long Seam Types: Regardless of the long seam type, whether it's Electric Resistance Welding (ERW), Submerged Arc Welding (SAW), Seamless, or Spiral, the AIS2100 can provide accurate yield strength predictions.

Wall Thickness: The equipment has the capability to analyze pipes with wall thickness ranging from 0.156 to 0.460 inches, ensuring that pipelines of various thicknesses are well within its scope.

Chemistry Grade Variety: From 1008, 1010, 1015, 1016, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1025, 1026, 1030, 1522, and 1525 to vanadium and niobium High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) grades, the AIS2100 handles an extensive range of chemistry grade varieties.

ASTM Grain Size: The AIS2100 can predict yield strength for a wide range of ASTM grain sizes, spanning from 7.0 to 13.0 on the logarithmic scale.

Validation by PHMSA

The Frontics AIS2100's achievement in the GTI validation for PHMSA is a testament to its unparalleled capabilities. Notably, it was the only technology to achieve a 95% confidence level in predicting yield strength for pipes with long seams. The PHMSA validation, conducted under GTI Project Number 22428/22429 and DOT Project #729, was completed on September 28, 2021. The AIS2100's performance exceeded expectations and reinforced its position as a groundbreaking solution for pipeline operators and safety regulators alike.


The Frontics AIS2100 is reshaping the pipeline industry by providing precise predictions of yield strength, even for pipes with long seams. Its remarkable versatility, extensive range of applications, and validated performance make it a trusted tool for ensuring the safety and integrity of pipelines, regardless of their age, diameter, grade, or composition. As pipelines continue to play a critical role in energy transportation, the AIS2100's contribution to safety and efficiency cannot be overstated. This technology represents a giant leap forward in safeguarding our pipelines and the environment.

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